With the accession of Kamala Harris to the vice-presidency American political life has entered a new phase.  A woman of Tamil (India) and Jamaican ancestry has ascended to the Vice-Presidency of the United States, proverbially a “heart-beat from the presidency”.  It is not so much that a woman is so close to the office of the president – Hillary Clinton actually won the presidential popular vote in 2016 – but that a woman of black and south Indian ancestry has done so.  One could say that Kamala Harris’s ascendance to the highest political office in the United States ever held by a woman of any race or color was history-making but there are some “markers” that pre-figure it.

To understand it – even if it requires a willing suspension of disbelief in most – one must look literally to the heavens, that is to say to the stars and their movements.  Any such discussion will be more or less contemptuously dismissed as “astrological superstition” by perhaps 95% of the population.  However, every nation and culture probably for as long as modern human beings have existed on the planet have turned their attention, usually with reverence, to the night sky and all of the heavenly bodies there with their movements.   That attitude began to change more or less decisively at the beginning of the 19th century with the ascendancy of the scientific paradigm.  All science, by the way, comes from ancient thinkers but that is a subject for another day.  In the event, the heavens and their billions upon billions of stellar and planetary bodies began to lose the awe they had instilled in human beings up to the rise of an exclusive science.

What does any of this have to do with Kamala Harris (and one could also ask with Amanda Gorman)?  To understand one has to turn to that much-maligned aspect of observational astronomy known as astrology.  This is not the place to go into a detailed explanation and defense of the “meta-science” of astrology but to use it to arrive at an explanation of what is to come.  Around the celestial equator – the earthly equator projected into space – there are 12 constellations.  Due to the counter-clockwise rotation of the earth’s axis each of these constellations rises at the dawn of the spring equinox for 2,160 years before being replaced by the constellation in front of it which, in its turn, will rise before the spring equinox for the ensuing 2,160 years.  This phenomenon is known as the “precession of the equinoxes”.  Since there are 12 such constellations, the equinox returns to the same constellation every 26,000 years and this is called the Great Year, 26,000 years long.  Every period of 2,160 years that an equatorial constellation inhabits the spring equinox is called an Age and every Age reflects the essence and impact of the constellation that rules it.  About 120 B.C. the constellation of Pisces, the Two Fishes, came to inhabit the spring equinox, replacing the constellation, and therefore the Age of Aries, the Ram.  Within 100 years after the onset of the Age of Pisces, the avatar known as Jesus Christ was born ushering in the Age of Christianity, symbolized by the double fishes.  Early Christians in fact were called “Pisciculi”, that is, “little fishes”.  In 2039, the constellation of Pisces will move away from the spring equinox and the constellation of Aquarius will take its place, making the “dawning” of the Age of Aquarius.  The approach of the Age of Aquarius is already being felt.  It has impacted the just- completed presidential election.

 To understand this one must understand that Aquarius, now represented as the ”Waterman”, was far more anciently the primordial Egyptian goddess Hathor-Nut.  Hathor in ancient Egypt was depicted archetypally in several guises:  the celestial Cow, the Moon, and the Tree of Life in Amenta – the Underworld – where she is seen pouring out water from a vase to the thirsty souls passing through Amenta.

Nut is the Egyptian sky goddess, the personification of the Waters of the Heavenly Ocean.  In reality, therefore, the Age of Aquarius is more fundamentally the Age of Hathor-Nut, archetypally the Cosmic Feminine.  The tangible influences of the Age of the Cosmic Feminine have been felt at least since mid-20th century with ever-increasing intensity.  These influences have been felt in all aspects of modern society – politics, the professions, and personal relations to name but a few arenas.  As we have seen, the political arena has been permanently impacted.

         Perhaps nothing has been so deeply affected as gender roles.  But what is lacking in all the millions of words written and spoken about this phenomenon is historical context.  Now – though change is underway – we take as given the rule of the patriarchy in family, business, politics and religion.  But it was not always thus.  Such evidence as can be unearthed showed that prior to the advent of the ascendant patriarchy 3-6,000 years ago, the matriarchy ruled, probably for 200,000 years.  Longer probably, and likely mediated by the female control over the production of new life.  Among other things, the first deities worshipped by human beings were undoubtedly goddesses and this primacy of the goddess held firm until Judaeo-Christian times in the western world.  Hebrew women in or around 600 B.C. told the prophet Jeremiah in no uncertain terms that they had no intention of abandoning the goddesses for Yahweh.  They could depend on and were valued by the goddesses unlike the emerging male deities of an increasingly masculinized religious universe.The goddess was marginalized where it was not outright suppressed and in the European Middle Ages untold numbers of women were burned at the stake because of their continuing adherence to practices and beliefs inherited from the ancient matriarchy.  But this terrible time was bound to pass and slowly it did. 

It is our contention that Kamala Harris’s rise is tied to cosmic events whether realized or accepted or not.  The Cosmic Feminine is itself re-arising after several thousand years of the being ignored and suppressed.  And not a moment too soon.  Donald Trump presented a clear and present danger not only to America itself but to the world.  If it is true that what we might call “higher forces” guide our individual and collective destinies, then we can say that they intervened before things really got out of hand in America. Donald Trump had to go and no mistake. Is it too much to speculate that President Joseph Biden sensed something in Kamala Harris that impelled his decision to run with her as his vice-presidential candidate?  Was she in some way chosen for him? Too much speculation I am sure.  However, what can be said without fear of contradiction is that both of them must be protected because their enemies are legion, as they say, a certain number of whom seem ready to cancel the election in the most violent way imaginable.

Charles S. Finch, M.D.
January 21, 2021


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